Friday 2 January 2015

Be your best friend.

Let's talk about being alone. So, On a Friday night, you see this lady dining alone, sitting two tables away from you, staring at the menu. She is isn't sad but doesn't look to happy either. She just looks thoughtful and tired.
Tell me the first thought that crosses your mind.
The first thing might be, "Oh, why is she sitting alone?" or something like that. Something that questions her choice to dine alone. 
Some people might even feel bad for her. WHAT? 
But the truth is that a lot of people enjoy spending time alone.
I like being alone too. I've always loved it.
 When I was a kid, I used to imagine how cool would it be if just for one day my parents would go out and I could be home alone and do whatever the hell I wanted to. 
I think spending time with myself keeps me sane. It gives me time to think or to completely blank out. 
Talking to myself is fun too. I usually do this in the washroom and it's mostly when I'm in a really bad mood.
If I have no one else to tell my sob story, I'm gonna have to narrate it to myself.
And a lot of times, people just don't give a fuck. They're listening but hell, you don't know what they're thinking. 

My thoughts, exactly.
What I realised: 
Embrace your individuality, spend some time with yourself (you're an awesome person, you know?), analyse your thoughts but not too much or you'll end up overthinking like me.
Every experience changes you, you should keep up with that change or you might lose yourself.

What I learned about myself:
Now this I could have written in the "About me" section but I didn't really know it until last year. So, here goes:
I am sensitive to words. Those harsh words. They can kill me, really. 
I have no time for fake friends. So no, I will not pretend to be friends with you.
I can be rude, unintentionally. I need to work on my social skills. I have improved, okay?
I am an introvert. I don't like everything that comes with it, but I am fucking proud that I am one.
I judge people. This could be because of my insecurities. I don't know. (Don't judge me.)
I care too much. If you tell me your sob story, I will cry with you.

What you should do:
Don't ever judge yourself. If an embarrassing or weird thought comes up in your mind. Ask why instead of pushing it down.
It's cheesy but true, you're unique, alright! So, don't try to mould yourself into that thin supermodel or that popular jerk at school.
Write about your thoughts. So, you can record any change that happens and also you can laugh at how stupid you were. ( I always do.)
Talk to yourself. No, it's not weird. Try it.

I really hope you guys are able to relate to what I'm saying. But if not, then please tell more about your stupid opinion in the comments. (Just kidding, I'd love to hear any opposing opinions.)
Also, tell me what you like to do when you're alone, right there, in the comments below. :)
Take care and stay awesome.



  1. A great read. I could identify with so many points. Best wishes for the blog. Do write more, and whenever you do, don't forget to share the link!!

  2. Your blog is total shit and please stop blogging for vennu stop trying to be a basic white girl ok thank
    gratefully vennu brother

    1. Thanks bro. a.k.a ADITYA SHARMA.

    2. I told you this bitch was crazy, like who the fuck is Aditya?

    3. You do know that I can delete your stupid comments, right? bitch. :)

  3. Delete them and i will hack ur wifi and turn off internet forever u noob go bye ok brother thank a lot ok vennu mallesh please leave fear and come soon hear ok now i am a very india good bad boy and aditi please i know ur name and i will link all ur social profile on u blog ok thank
